You'll love how it feels.

Elevate your hydration experience and unlock exclusive benefits, discounts, and perks with our Hydrogen Water memberships.

By joining the Hydro Club, you're not just investing in your health & environment; you're joining a vibrant community of like-minded individuals committed to achieving their best in every aspect of life.

Set and forget with scheduled deliveries so you never miss a day of peak performance. Tailor your subscription to fit your lifestyle by selecting your preferred delivery frequency and package size.

Welcome to the future of daily hydration, where excellence and wellness flow together.

known benefits

known benefits

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Optimal Hydration

  • Powerful Antioxidant

  • Optimum mental focus

  • Better Gut Health

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Elevates skin wellness


12 cans delivered + member benefits!

The Hydrogen Water Starter Pack provides a suite of privileged member advantages:

  • Begin with a 12-can Starter Pack for an ideal introduction.
  • Receive a 10% monthly discount when you sign up to our Hydro Club Starter Pack.
  • Benefit from an exclusive Hydro Member gym towel to inspire you in achieving your fitness objectives.
  • Enjoy priority access to special events alongside our community of likeminded people.
  • Take advantage of reduced rates across all Hydrogen Water packs.
  • Select your preferred delivery schedule: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly!

Kickstart your hydration adventure with our Starter Pack, designed for those curious to explore the rejuvenating effects of hydrogen water.


Wellness Pack

24 cans delivered + member benefits!

The Hydrogen Water Wellness Pack provides a suite of privileged member advantages:

  • 24 cans to nourish your body and sustain your hydration needs.
  • Receive a 10% monthly discount when you sign up to the Hydro Member Wellness pack.
  • Benefit from an exclusive Hydro Member gym towel to inspire you in achieving your fitness objectives.
  • Enjoy priority access to special events alongside our community of distinguished individuals.
  • Select your preferred delivery schedule: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly!
  • Enjoy convenient, hassle-free hydration delivered directly to your doorstep.

Embrace your wellness journey with our Wellness Pack, offering a perfect balance of hydration and health benefits tailored for the conscientious individual.


Ultimate Pack

48 cans delivered + member benefits!

The Ultimate Pack is designed for those who are serious about taking their wellness and hydration to the next level. Here's why it stands out:

  • Start strong with 48 cans of premium Hydrogen Water.
  • Choose your preferred delivery frequency: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, directly to your doorstep.
  • Revel in an unbeatable 10% discount when you sign up, making each sip not just healthier but also more satisfying financially.
  • Enjoy the convenience of free shipping on every delivery, ensuring your wellness journey is as seamless as it is beneficial.
  • Experience VIP access to electrifying community events, an opportunity to meet others.

The Ultimate Pack isn't just a subscriptionβ€” it's a lifestyle choice that puts you on a fast track to a healthier, more vibrant you.


Corporate Pack

96 cans delivered + benefits!

The Corporate Pack is designed for businesses focused on elevating their team's health and performance. Inclusions:

  • Flexible options, choose from 96 cans of Hydrogen Water or more to match your team's size.
  • An exclusive 15% discount when you sign up for the Corporate Pack.
  • Unlock benefits, optimising both your team's performance, mental clarity, wellbeing and budget.
  • VIP access to community events, enhancing team bonding.
  • Each Corporate Pack includes a 12-pack of coasters, combining practicality with elegance.
  • Free shipping on all orders for hassle-free delivery.

This pack is the epitome of investing in team wellness, streamlining the journey towards a healthier, more united workforce.


Hydro Member Subscription Benefits

Discover the exclusive perks of becoming a Hydro Member, where every sip of Hydrogen Water brings you closer to wellness, savings, and a world of hydration privileges!


  • 1 Choose your pack & Sign up
  • 2 Customise your delivery frequency
  • 3 A reminder notification is sent a few days before each delivery
  • 4 Payments are automatically processed according to the subscription plan's billing cycle
  • 5 Subscribers enjoy a range of exclusive benefits beyond regular deliveries

Why Hydrogen Water is Better

Accelerates Muscle Recovery

Known to cut recovery times by 20%, easing muscle inflammation and soreness after workouts.

Promotes Healthier Skin

Recognized for boosting skin health, reducing wrinkles, and improving elasticity by 30%.

Elevates Daily Energy

It's known to increase energy levels by 15% by enhancing mitochondrial function for sustained vitality.

Enhances Performance

Athletes experience a 10% boost in endurance and efficiency, thanks to its stress-reducing capabilities.

Improves Brain Function

Offers a 20% improvement in cognitive performance and focus, with potential protective effects against neurodegeneration.

Rich in Antioxidants

Acts as a selective antioxidant, 60% more effective at neutralizing free radicals, reducing cellular damage and disease risk.

Enhances Performance

Athletes experience a 10% boost in endurance and efficiency, thanks to its stress-reducing capabilities.

Improves Brain Function

Offers a 20% improvement in cognitive performance and focus, with potential protective effects against neurodegeneration.

Rich in Antioxidants

Acts as a selective antioxidant, 60% more effective at neutralizing free radicals, reducing cellular damage and disease risk.

  • + 1250

    scientific studies

  • + 40

    Proven Health Benefits

  • + 150 years

    Years of Research

Shop the benefits

For high achievers targeting peak performance, Hydrogen Water is crafted to enhance your capabilities. Enriched with molecular hydrogen, it amplifies energy and stamina, acting as a catalyst for mental performance, making it indispensable for those pushing the boundaries of their potential.

For high achievers targeting peak performance, Hydrogen Water is crafted to enhance your capabilities. Enriched with molecular hydrogen, it amplifies energy and stamina, acting as a catalyst for mental performance, making it indispensable for those pushing the boundaries of their potential.

Hydrogen Water offers optimal hydration, with molecular hydrogen ensuring efficient absorption. Stay hydrated, support cognitive and physical endurance, and maximise health benefits daily.

Hydrogen Water offers optimal hydration, with molecular hydrogen ensuring efficient absorption. Stay hydrated, support cognitive and physical endurance, and maximise health benefits daily.

Embrace wellness with Hydrogen Water, rich in antioxidants to fight oxidative stress and boost defence mechanisms. Enhance longevity and vitality, promoting overall well-being with daily hydration.

Embrace wellness with Hydrogen Water, rich in antioxidants to fight oxidative stress and boost defence mechanisms. Enhance longevity and vitality, promoting overall well-being with daily hydration.

What our hydro members have to say

"Hydrogen Water H2O has noticeably boosted my energy and wellness, becoming an essential part of my daily health routine."

"I'm impressed by Hydrogen Water H2O's commitment to sustainability, offering their health-boosting water in recyclable cans."

"Our office's switch to Hydrogen Water H2O has visibly improved our collective well-being and productivity, making it a valued addition."

"Post-workout recovery has improved with Hydrogen Water H2O, thanks to its antioxidant properties that support fitness goals."

"Hydrogen Water H2O is a wellness tool that enhances my active lifestyle with its quality and health benefits, making it a top recommendation."


What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is simply water infused with extra hydrogen molecules. This super charged hydration offers enhanced
benefits over regular water, designed to boost your performance and overall well-being.

Is Hydrogen Water safe to drink?

Absolutely! Hydrogen water is just as safe as regular water, with the added benefits of infused hydrogen. It's suitable for daily consumption by people of all ages.

How often should I drink Hydrogen Water?

For optimal benefits, we recommend incorporating Hydrogen Water into your daily hydration routine. Whether you're simply seeking improved vitality, better hydration or simply a healthier water alternative, drinking 1-3 cans per day can help you achieve your wellness goals.

Is there any taste difference with Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water has a clean, refreshing taste, very similar to regular water. The main difference lies in its enhanced hydration and health benefits.

How is Hydrogen Water produced?

Hydrogen Water is created by adding hydrogen gas to water, thereby enriching the water with additional hydrogen molecules (H2). This enrichment process can be accomplished through various techniques, with electrolysis being the most prevalent. In electrolysis, water (H2O) is electrically split into its basic componentsβ€”oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2)β€”allowing the hydrogen gas to be dissolved into the water under pressure. This method effectively infuses water with hydrogen, enhancing its properties and making it hydrogen-rich.

Can I replace regular water with Hydrogen Water?

While Hydrogen Water is designed to offer additional benefits, it's important to maintain a balanced hydration routine. Hydrogen Water can be a powerful component of your overall fluid intake.