At its core, Hydrogen Water is not just any water; it is a superior hydration solution that has been innovatively enhanced with extra hydrogen molecules (H2). This unique enrichment process elevates ordinary water into a powerhouse of health and hydration benefits, designed for high achievers.

Our aluminium cans are more than just containers; they are engineered to maintain the full potency of Hydrogen Water, chosen specifically to lock in the hydrogen's benefits. Aluminium acts as a secure shield, preventing hydrogen molecules from escaping and ensuring the water's enhanced properties are preserved until you drink it. This commitment to quality means that you receive all the intended health benefits with each drink.

Hydrogen Water is more than just a beverage; it's a commitment to superior hydration and health. It's the perfect hydration choice for everyone, embodying a future where water does more than just hydrate—it revitalises, replenishes, and transforms.

Embrace Hydrogen Water as your go-to source of hydration. It's not just about drinking water; it's about fuelling your body with the very best.

Join us on a journey to optimal health and hydration, where every drop of Hydrogen Water is a step towards a healthier, more vibrant you.




  • 1 Hydrogen Water stands out as a superior hydration choice due to its enriched antioxidant content, offering more than just hydration—it provides a shield against cellular damage. This antioxidant-rich water combats oxidative stress, a root cause of aging and chronic diseases, making it a more complete source of hydration and health. It's the smarter choice for those seeking comprehensive wellness in every sip.

  • 2 Hydrogen Water is tailored for high achievers who demand more from their daily hydration. Its enhanced properties support optimal mental clarity, increased focus, and sustained energy levels, essential for tackling the rigorous demands of high-performance lifestyles. Making it the ultimate hydration choice for those who aim to surpass the ordinary.

  • 3 Hydrogen Water goes beyond hydration to offer remarkable health advantages. By effectively neutralizing harmful free radicals and oxidative stress, it supports heart health, diabetes management, and skin rejuvenation, while also accelerating wound healing. This makes Hydrogen Water a powerful ally in promoting overall health and longevity.

  • 4 Hydrogen Water is designed with everyone in mind, offering a comprehensive hydration solution that caters to the needs of every individual. Whether you're looking to boost your energy levels, enhance your focus, or simply enjoy a healthier lifestyle, Hydrogen Water provides a versatile and inclusive option for anyone seeking the best in hydration and health benefits.

Where Does The Hydrogen Come From?

Hydrogen Water transcends ordinary water by being fortified with extra hydrogen molecules, resulting in superior absorption and enhanced health benefits.

Cutting-edge Preservation

Hydrogen Water benefits from a physical infusion process using hydrokinetic nano mixing technology, a global leader in hydrogen infusion.

Sealed for Freshness

Hydrogen Water cans are sealed under pressure, keeping the hydrogen concentration high until the moment of consumption.

Pure Foundation

Begins with purified water with pH 7, ensuring a clean and contaminant free base for hydrogen infusion.

Eco-Friendly and Pure

Aluminum cans offer a recyclable, chemical-free packaging solution, keeping the water pure and natural.

Nano Technology

This advanced technology ensures efficient hydrogen mixing, making Hydrogen Water highly effective in delivering hydrogen to your body.

Research Backed

Over a decade of research underpins the benefits of hydrogen water, supporting its use as a health-enhancing drink.

Eco-Friendly and Pure

Aluminum cans offer a recyclable, chemical-free packaging solution, keeping the water pure and natural.

Nano Technology

This advanced technology ensures efficient hydrogen mixing, making Hydrogen Water highly effective in delivering hydrogen to your body.

Research Backed

Over a decade of research underpins the benefits of hydrogen water, supporting its use as a health-enhancing drink.

What our hydro members have to say

"Hydrogen Water H2O has noticeably boosted my energy and wellness, becoming an essential part of my daily health routine."

"I'm impressed by Hydrogen Water H2O's commitment to sustainability, offering their health-boosting water in recyclable cans."

"Our office's switch to Hydrogen Water H2O has visibly improved our collective well-being and productivity, making it a valued addition."

"Post-workout recovery has improved with Hydrogen Water H2O, thanks to its antioxidant properties that support fitness goals."

"Hydrogen Water H2O is a wellness tool that enhances my active lifestyle with its quality and health benefits, making it a top recommendation."

Ready to drink better?

  • 1 Save on Every Sip: save $15 with each purchase
  • 2 Enjoy Free shipping
  • 3 Consistent Hydration: Never run dry with scheduled deliveries

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Hydrogen Water is created by adding hydrogen gas to water, thereby enriching the water with additional hydrogen molecules (H2). This enrichment process can be accomplished through various techniques, with electrolysis being the most prevalent. In electrolysis, water (H2O) is electrically split into its basic components—oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2)—allowing the hydrogen gas to be dissolved into the water under pressure. This method effectively infuses water with hydrogen, enhancing its properties and making it hydrogen-rich.

Hydrogen Water is created by adding hydrogen gas to water, thereby enriching the water with additional hydrogen molecules (H2). This enrichment process can be accomplished through various techniques, with electrolysis being the most prevalent. In electrolysis, water (H2O) is electrically split into its basic components—oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2)—allowing the hydrogen gas to be dissolved into the water under pressure. This method effectively infuses water with hydrogen, enhancing its properties and making it hydrogen-rich.

Hydrogen Water offers optimal hydration, with molecular hydrogen ensuring efficient absorption. Stay hydrated, support cognitive and physical endurance, and maximise health benefits with every sip.

Hydrogen Water offers optimal hydration, with molecular hydrogen ensuring efficient absorption. Stay hydrated, support cognitive and physical endurance, and maximise health benefits with every sip.

Embrace wellness with Hydrogen Water, rich in antioxidants to fight oxidative stress and boost defence mechanisms. Enhance longevity and vitality, promoting overall well-being with daily hydration.

Embrace wellness with Hydrogen Water, rich in antioxidants to fight oxidative stress and boost defence mechanisms. Enhance longevity and vitality, promoting overall well-being with daily hydration.

At the heart of our Hydrogen Water brand lies a commitment to transparency and sustainability. We firmly believe in the right of every individual to be fully informed about what goes into the products they use daily and their impact on the environment. Our goal is to transform the hydration practices of Australians by delivering a health-boosting, superior alternative to conventional drinks. By enriching water, the fundamental element of life, with molecular hydrogen, we offer a beverage that not only promotes wellness and enhances performance but also resonates with our customers' dedication to health and environmental stewardship.


What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen Water is simply water infused with extra hydrogen molecules. This supercharged hydration offers enhanced
benefits over regular water, designed to boost your performance and overall well-being.

Is Hydrogen Water safe to drink?

Absolutely! Hydrogen Water is just as safe as regular water, with the added benefits of infused hydrogen. It's suitable for daily consumption by people of all ages.

How often should I drink Hydrogen Water?

For optimal benefits, we recommend incorporating Hydrogen Water into your daily hydration routine. Whether you're an athlete or simply seeking improved vitality, drinking 1-3 cans per day can help you achieve your wellness goals.

How is Hydrogen Water produced?

Hydrogen Water is created by adding hydrogen gas to water, thereby enriching the water with additional hydrogen molecules (H2). This enrichment process can be accomplished through various techniques, with electrolysis being the most prevalent. In electrolysis, water (H2O) is electrically split into its basic components—oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2)—allowing the hydrogen gas to be dissolved into the water under pressure. This method effectively infuses water with hydrogen, enhancing its properties and making it hydrogen-rich.

Is there any taste difference with Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen Water has a clean, refreshing taste, very similar to regular water. The main difference lies in its enhanced hydration and health benefits.

Can I replace regular water with Hydrogen Water?

While Hydrogen Water is designed to offer additional benefits, it's important to maintain a balanced hydration routine. Hydrogen Water can be a powerful component of your overall fluid intake.